Ice Cube says Warner Bros. are refusing to give him the rights to ‘Friday’
(Credits: Alamy)


Ice Cube says Warner Bros. are refusing to give him the rights to ‘Friday’

Ice Cube has revealed Warner Bros. aren’t prepared to give him rights to the classic film Friday.

The film, which was written by Ice Cube and DJ Pooh, was released in 1995 and became a huge cult phenomenon. Although it only had a small budget, it grossed $27 million at the box office, and the famous bench which they sit on in Friday has become a tourist hotspot in Los Angeles.


In a new appearance on Mike Tyson’s Hotboxin podcast, Ice Cube spoke about the possibilities of future sequels. Cube previously revealed he’d written two more Friday movies, but Warner rejected both scripts, and he’s now reluctant to work with them again.

“I don’t know. Warner Brothers is weird right now,” Cube stated when asked about the fourth Friday movie. “I don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t know what they’re doing. We’d love to have it back. I think it’s going be close to a time when we get it back. So, we’ll either wait for that time, or we’ll keep trying to convince them that they need to let us control the movie. It’s my movie, but they have distribution control.”

He added: “I ain’t putting shit up for it. Fuck no. They need to give it to me, and they’re going to make money. I’m not about to pay for my own stuff, that’s stupid. They need to do the right thing, get it to us, let us turn it into more money, and make the fans happy…We can do a lot with it.”

In the same interview, Cube also revealed his plans to escape the Hollywood system because of his refusal to get the Covid vaccination. He also claimed to have rejected a film for $9 million because of his vaccination status.

“I turned down a movie because I didn’t want to get the motherfucking jab,” Cube said. “I turned down $9 million. I didn’t want get the jab. Fuck that jab. Fuck ya’ll for trying to make me get it. I don’t know how Hollywood feels about me right now.”

Watch the podcast below.