Drake responds to environmentalist backlash
(Credit: The Come Up Show)


Drake responds to environmentalist backlash

Canadian rapper Drake has been forced to respond after he found himself at the centre of controversy after he received widespread criticism from environmentalists over a 14-minute flight he was alleged to have taken on his $200 million ‘Air Drake’ private plane. 

The reports of Drake supposedly taking the flight broke last week on July 21st, when The Guardian released a damning report exposing “the super-rich” who have “absolute disregard for the planet”. The article claims that Drake took the short trip in his Boeing 767 from Toronto to Hamilton, Ontario, an unnecessary journey in regards to its CO2 emissions. Alongside this, the exposé also mentioned A-listers such as Kylie Jenner, Floyd Mayweather, Kim Kardashian, and Mark Wahlberg.


However, yesterday on July 26th, Drake appeared in the comments of the Real Toronto Newz‘s Instagram responding to the backlash he’s received. He claimed that the plane was actually empty, and that the flight was returning to its hangar for cleaning and routine maintenance. 

“This is just them moving planes to whatever airport they are being stored at for anyone who was interested in the logistics,” he wrote. “Nobody takes that flight.”

Since the release of The Guardian‘s piece, which lists Drake as the worst of those named for CO2 emissions, environmentalists have continuously harangued him, which prompted him to pop up and explain himself on Instagram.

Drake is part of the problem, taking multiple 15-minute flights to Hamilton and back while the environment is collapsing. Dude, take the GO train ffs,” writer and filmmaker Jesse Hawken wrote on Twitter.

Technology reporter Temur Durrani also joined in on the debate, tweeting: “Canadians will complain about climate change then pay thousands to go to the next Drake concert, acting like he isn’t taking his private jet on flights from Hamilton to Toronto.”