The truth behind Wendy Williams’ relationship with Eric B
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The truth behind Wendy Williams' relationship with Eric B

In 2021, controversial talk show host Wendy Williams released her own biopic alongside the television network, Lifetime. Entitled Wendy Williams: The Movie, it was a salacious piece of self-promotion for the canny celebrity. The scathing television personality and radio host revealed highly intimate details about her early life, with the biopic touching on many controversial issues, from her drug addiction to romantic exes, one of which was DJ Eric B.

The biopic went into depth about her messy divorce from Kevin Hunter. However, it also highlighted her strange and short-lived sexual relationship with DJ Eric B. Many know Eric B as one half of the duo Eric B and Rakim who broke boundaries in the 1980s with their debut album Paid In Full, but until Williams exposed her intimacy with Eric B, hip-hop heads did not know anything about the DJ’s relationship with the talk show host.


Before releasing the biopic, Williams had shared small details about her pregnancy with the artist’s baby in her memoir, Wendy’s Got The Heat. However, she had yet to unleash a wealth of information. Williams recalled when she first met Eric B. for the first time in her memoir, revealing she had interviewed him about a project during the early 1990s when she was a radio host.

Following the interview, Williams recounted that the DJ (real name Eric Barrier) asked the radio jock for her number. According to the now divorced talk show host, they quickly arranged a date and, from there, the relationship began to pick up speed.

Williams admitted that the DJ’s renown and status within hip-hop was part of her initial attraction but quickly realised they didn’t have much in common. Williams described herself as a coarse, opinionated woman but then highlighted that the DJ “didn’t smoke, didn’t drink, and rarely cursed” when they were together. The TV personality even revealed that even when they were official the DJ never invited her to his house but he regularly came to the host’s apartment late at night to have sex.

In her memoir, Williams reflected on her naivety writing, “Looking back, I was just one long, extended booty call for him,” Williams wrote. “We didn’t really have a relationship. It was all sex. The only time we really dated was at the very beginning of the relationship. Maybe we had eight dates during the course of that first year.” You can see a news clip analysing the biopic’s harsh portrayal of Eric B in the video below.