The Michael Jackson album J Cole listened to “religiously”
Credit: LA Leakers

Old School Archives

The Michael Jackson album J Cole listened to "religiously"

As one of the so-called “big three” in hip-hop, J Cole’s position as one of the foremost influences of future generations is guaranteed. The artist is known for his complex rhyming schemes and unique beats, and much of that outlier behavior has arisen from his love of different kinds of music.

Often regarded as the finest lyricist of his generation, Cole weaves intricate tapestries for his audience to unpick. In his songs, Cole adopts the role of the serial weaver as he effortlessly guides threads up and over, down and under, and straight through the story. One song sees Cole at his best: the heartbreaking ‘3 Wishes’.

Here, tracing back to where it all began for J Cole, we are exploring a sample of the albums that have moulded him by re-visiting a piece he conducted with Complex a number of years ago. Talking shortly after the release of his debut album Cole World: The Sideline Story, Cole discusses his ten favourite albums of all time and it acts as a reminder of his inspirations.

Within that conversation, Cole picked out a classic record from a perhaps unexpected source: Michael Jackson. Within the quote Cole confirms himself as a die-hard fan of the artist.

Micheal Jackson’s pop masterpiece Thriller is often considere done of the finest records of all time, but it was a different album that inspired Cole. Bad, from 1987 is the first feature on Cole’s list which was a record that shaped his early adolescence and is still one that he treasures today.

“I know that out of all the Michael Jackson albums, you could say Thriller or Off The Wall, depending on who you are,” J Cole said. But, like every music lover, the reason this one connected immediately is because it was the first he had heard from the pop maestro: “But this was the first Michael Jackson album that I had and listened to religiously. I had the white cassette tape. I played it every day. I played ‘Man In The Mirror’ out.”

It wasn’t his favourite track though: “My favourite song was ‘Dirty Diana.’ I just have great memories of that album and that’s how I became a Michael Jackson fan.”

it’s not particularly easy to trace the line between Michael Jackson and J Cole, however their showmanship is perhaps the most obvious parrallel. Listen below to J Cole’s favourite Michael Jackson song.