Snoop Dogg reveals his monster alter-ego secret
(Credit: NRK P3)


Snoop Dogg reveals his monster alter-ego secret

Snoop Dogg has unveiled himself as the person behind the NFT Twitter account Cozomo de’ Medici.

The account’s avatar is a green pixelated monster with flowing back hair and a mask. Cozomo’s bio reads, “Sharing tales & insights from the wild world of NFTs. Follow to connect.” His announcement on his personal Twitter account came hours after he revealed through his alias of CDM that he was going to “dox” himself.


Seemingly his reason was to stop anyone else beating him to it and taking control of the narrative. “Dear frens,” the first tweet read on Cozomo’s page. “Since I announced my dox, events have transpired most would not believe, nor understand.

“What I can share is I’ve received an outpouring of kindness here on Twitter. And many say they prefer to know me as Cozomo, and no one else! So here is what I’ve decided to do: Shortly, as promised, I will dox from my personal account. As my fame is considerable, the tweet will no doubt be discovered.

He continued, “Those who are curious to my identity will soon know it. Those who do not care, or simply prefer not to know the source of my vast fame and fortune, may simply not research. I will keep this account focused on NFTs, and not mention this again here.”

The thread added, “To make this more fun, I have decided I will gift one random person who finds and shares the tweet, 1 ETH from the Medici Vault.”

Following that series of tweets, Snoop admitted on his own account, “I am @CozomoMedici.”

There’s been no real change to the content that the account has tweeted since the revelation, and Snoop is back speaking about NFTs with like-minded individuals who seemingly don’t care about his fame.