Snoop Dogg files trademark for new hot dog brand
(Credit: Flickr)


Snoop Dogg files trademark for new hot dog brand

Snoop Dogg has filed a trademark for a new hot dog brand, fittingly called ‘Snoop Doggs’.

Billboard state the West Coast rapper’s lawyers have put forward an intent-to-use trademark application for ‘Snoop Doggs’ at the US Patent and Trademark Office. They have claimed that Snoop plans to move into the hot dog and broader sausage market, but the brand is yet to be launched.

While we’d all want to try one of Snoop’s delicious ‘Doggs’, the request doesn’t necessarily mean that he’ll actually start selling the item. He has history on this front and filed a similar application in 2011 for an ice cream company called ‘Snoop Scoops’, yet, he never released a single product.

However, in 2020 he did form the gin label, Indoggo, which was a venture in collaboration with Trusted Spirits’ co-founder Keenan Towns.

Meanwhile, Snoop returned to his day job last year to deliver his 19th studio album, The Algorithm. Discussing the record, he said, “There’s so much talent on this record, so many styles of music, it breaks the algorithm.

“Right now, the algorithm is telling us you have to rap this way, you have to sound this way, but they’re not telling you how it’s supposed to feel. My algorithm is going to give you a feeling, not a sound.”