J Balvin performs for NPR Tiny Desk (At Home) series
(Credit: Wikimedia)

New Music

J Balvin performs for NPR Tiny Desk (At Home) series

During the madness of the Covid-19 lockdown, when the pandemic seemed to be constantly at our doors, begging to be let in and destroy our every day life, we looked to institutions and establishments to maintain the norm. More of ten than not, we looked to art to enliven us.

One art institution, the wonderful people over at NPR managed to keep at least a little piece of normality going as they maintained their wonderful Tiny Desk concert series throughout the height of the lockdown with their Tony Desk (At Home) series. The latest person to jump on the show is J Balvin.


Of course, as the world has opened up, the need for artists to visit the home of NPR hasn’t necessarily increased. Instead, the acceptance of the At Home series has allowed more artists than ever to contribute from stranger and stranger places. Including, now, the East River.

An iconic piece of New York’s skyline hangs behind J Balvin and DJ Jose Rivera, drummer Marcus Thomas and bassist George Ponce as they deliver a rip-roaring performance from a barge on the NYC river.

Balvin and his band perform ‘Vestido’, ‘Otro Fili, ‘In da Getto and ‘Que Locura’ in the clip that you can watch below. The video comes as Blavin and his band get ready to go out on tour next month.

Judging by this assortment of performances, we’re betting those tickets will be hot property.