Chuck D announces graphic novel to celebrate 30 years of Public Enemy’s ‘Apocalypse 91’
(Credit: Kim Metso)


Chuck D announces graphic novel to celebrate 30 years of Public Enemy’s ‘Apocalypse 91’

Public Enemy’s Chuck D has revealed he has made his debut graphic novel, Apocalypse 91: The Revolution Never Sleeps, which will arrive later this year.

The book is set to arrive this November and is part of a collaboration between comic publisher Z2 and record label Def Jam, with who Chuck D is signed. The graphic novel’s release is just a month after Public Enemy’s iconic fourth album, Apocalypse 91… The Enemy Strikes Black turns 30.


In a press release, the Public Enemy man said: “This graphic novel is a new take on the artwork I’ve been making, growing naturally from the paint and pens that express what’s on my mind and reflect what’s happening around us.”

Adding: “It was a real honour to have my illustrations alongside the who’s who of comic book artists.”

The rapper co-wrote and illustrated the book alongside esteemed names in the comic book world, such as Spider-Man’s Evan Narcisse, Dark Nights: Death Metal’s Regine Sawyer, and Batman’s Che Grayson.

There will be four editions of the book offered to fans. The standard print will be available in both soft and hardcover. Meanwhile, there are also deluxe and super-deluxe editions, which includes a limited-edition vinyl repressing of Apocalypse 91… The Enemy Strikes Black.